Thursday, November 7, 2013

Race Report: Disneyland 1/2 Marathon

I just realized that I never wrote this race report. Probably because I was busy concentrating on the goal ahead: St. George Marathon. But here it is, the race report of the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon.

I was in the midst of marathon training, just five weeks from race day. I wasn't trained to run a fast 1/2 marathon, but heck why not give it a try? My current PR was 1:40 and change. Could I beat that? My mind was saying I wasn't ready, but my body wanted to give it a go.

Race day comes mighty early at Disney races. but even though it was early, it was super hot. I mean like 80 degree hot already. This was going to be a tough day.

We got to the race start and I had to use the bathroom. By the time I made it to the front of the line of the port-o-pottys, the race had begun and my friends were already gone. I began running and felt just ok. My legs were still feeling a little tired from our epic 22-mile trail run just 3 miles prior. And did I mention it was HOT? Oh yeah and so humid. Usually Southern California isn't so humid, but you never know what you're going to get on race day.

Within two miles I knew that something magical wasn't going to happen this day. I knew this would just be a training run. But I was struggling. The humidity and tiredness in my legs was getting to me. At the halfway point I tried calling Skyler to tell him how horrible I felt. All I wanted to do was quit. But I didn't. I stopped crying and told myself I was better than this. I wasn't going to accomplish my goal that day, but I could make it worthwhile. I picked up the pace and ended up negative splitting the race, with my fastest mile as my last one.

The best part of the race was around mile 12 where Skyler, Desmond, and Pumpkin were waiting to cheer me on. I get so emotional when my family comes to see me race. It made the day so wonderful! 

I don't have my split times because I forgot to upload before it got erased. Here's the info I got from the runDisney website:

Total Time 1:45:40
5k split 24:22
10k split 49:42
15k split 1:15:57
Division Place: 14
Gender Place: 83

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Favorite 4-Legged BRF

She always listens. She doesn't let me sleep in. She keeps a good pace. She practically laughs as I try to keep up running uphill. She never has excuses. She's always ready to go. If only she could pace me at my paces. She the best BRF a girl could ask for.