Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Marathon Training Week #5

Like I mentioned in my last post, I got strep throat. I thought I was just being a baby, but I was relieved to learn it was a serious pain. Monday was the day I was diagnosed, so I took that day and the next off. I'm really trying to learn to listen to my body when it tells me to slow down. Next was a mid-week 5k and I ended the week with my long run. I was supposed to do 16 miles, but I did a group trail run instead, so I converted to time running (16 miles = 2-1/2 hours) and did that instead. I'll be back on track this week.

Monday: Rest (Strep....ahh!)

Tuesday: Rest (feeling a little better)

Wednesday: Swim! I took it easy because I was still recovering. 2000 yards, 40 minutes

Thursday: 4th of July "5k." This run is a bit short (2.95 miles). Last year I was prepared and killed it, but this year was a different story. I'm in the middle of marathon training, plus recovering from strep throat. I still ended up doing well and was so happy for the race to be over. My whole body was ready to give up. I'll give the race report later. But of course I didn't feel like the race was enough and had to run an extra 2.5 miles and do a 45-minute Nike strength workout. (By the way, finished 2nd overall woman.)

Friday: Took the boy for a bike ride in his trailer. We rode 19 miles, 1:30.

Saturday: Met with a new run group. They do long runs every Saturday morning. I didn't realize it, but that day they were doing trails. I had a great time and loved running in new places. Our run was about 10 miles and 2 hours. I needed more miles and time, so I added an additional 3 miles and 30 minutes. 3700' of climbing for the day. And I didn't feel too bad after. Success!

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